ACTOR CREDITS: Loose Knit, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Lucky Stiff (PTP), Ned Durango Comes to Big Oak (PTP), Apples and Potatoes: An Evening of Don Nigro, featuring The Lost Girl, Spectre, The Daughters of Edward D. Boit, and Ringrose the Pirate (Apples and Eve Theatre Co. and Potato Shed Theatre), Crimes of the Heart (Apples and Eve Theatre), Five Women Wearing the Same Dress (Apples and Eve Theatre), Sunday on the Rocks (Apples and Eve Theatre), Cirque du Smut (Banff Center and AIDS Bow Valley), Scrooge, Wizard of Oz, Teahouse of the August Moon, Aladdin
DIRECTOR CREDITS: Loose Knit (PTP), Five Women Wearing the Same Dress (PTP), Apples and Potatoes: An Evening of Don Nigro, featuring The Lost Girl, Spectre, The Daughters of Edward D. Boit, Ringrose the Pirate (Apples and Eve Theatre Co. and Potato Shed Theatre), Crimes of the Heart (Apples and Eve Theatre), Five Women Wearing the Same Dress (Apples and Eve Theatre), Sunday on the Rocks (Apples and Eve Theatre)